Owning a presentable closet is important for functionality. When it comes to folding or hanging your clothes, you need a method that maximizes your closet space best. Keep your wardrobe intact by following our organization tips.

The Short Answer

Proper organization makes wardrobes more space efficient. Folding maximizes closet space better because it saves more room than hanging items. However, folding isn’t appropriate for all types of clothing.

There are some things that require hangers. For example, it’s best to hang formal clothes and lightweight fabric because folding creates odd creases. As you keep reading, we’ll explain closet etiquette for your clothes.

Factors To Consider

Closet configuration is one of the leading factors that affect the organizational techniques you use. For example, hangers take up more space, making them impractical for small closets. If you have limited space, prioritize hanging your regularly worn outfits and formal garments.

Additionally, weight and material are two important factors for wardrobe function. Heavy clothes can bend hangers, so you should fold them. Clothing articles with beading and embellishments tend to sag, causing them to unravel. For this reason, it’s best to hang clothes. Delicate pieces like dresses and designer suits need careful handling, so hanging is the best option for them.

In terms of materials, you should hang clothes prone to wrinkling, such as lace, satin, and silk. Additionally, cotton shirts are suitable for hangers. Fold materials that are likely to stretch, including knitwear and activewear.

What To Hang

The clothes you hang include dresses, buttoned blouses and shirts, and jackets and suits.

Dresses have lightweight fabric with flowy material that’s likely to wrinkle. Hanging prevents wrinkles and creases.

You often wear buttoned blouses and shirts in professional settings. If you don’t have time to iron them frequently, you should hang them to avoid creases.

Jackets and suits have bulky, heavy fabric. You risk ruining attire if you try to fold them. Don’t risk damaging your clothes. Hang them up!

What To Fold

The clothes you should fold include polo shirts, sweaters, and sportswear.

It’s best to fold polo shirts because they have thick material, and hanging polo shirts stretches the fabric. This compromises the shape of the shirt.

Sweaters require folding because of the thick fabric too. Like polo shirts, folding prevents sweaters from stretching and changing shapes.

Lastly, sportswear is usually for casual or gym settings. Most people don’t mind creases in their athleisure attire, so folding works for it.

Attire You Can Hang or Fold

There’s leeway for some clothes. This includes jeans, scarves, and casual shirts. Assess the material to determine storage. For instance, lightweight scarves are suitable for hangers because they’re prone to wrinkles. You should fold bulky jeans because they may stretch on hangers.

Do you want a stylish closet that fits your needs? Use Wood Closet Design’s online closet builder today. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!